
At Cardinal Leasing & Management, we work hard to provide the highest quality tenant services you can find. We only hire the best in customer service because that’s what our tenants deserve, and we work with our tenants to ensure that they understand what they can to do so that they have the best possible experience in our properties.

Submit a Maintenance Request by calling 214-810-0244 or sending an email to manager@cardinallease.com

Rental Application and
Tenant Screening Criteria

To download an online application for residence, please click here.

To download an online application for commercial space, please click here.

Cardinal Leasing & Management operates in compliance with the Fair Housing Act. Pursuant to Property Code Section 92.3515, these Tenant Selection Criteria are being provided to you. The Act prohibits discrimination in housing based on Race, Color, Religion, Sex, National Origin, Handicap or Familial Status. The following list constitutes grounds upon which the Landlord will be basing the decision whether to lease the Property to you. If your application is denied, you and/or your agent will be notified. Please note that these are screening guidelines and certain landlords may make accommodations for tenant applicants who may not meet all of these criteria, so we encourage you to apply or inquire about your situation if you feel you may not meet all these criteria.

  1. Occupancy: Two person maximum per bedroom (except for child less than 6 months old).
  2. Age Requirement: Applicants must be 18 years or older (unless head of household). All occupants 18 years or older will be required to complete an application and pay the application fee (even if living with a parent or guardian).
  3. Income Requirement: The gross monthly income of all Applicants will be considered jointly. The monthly rental amount can be no more than 30% of the gross monthly household income. All income must be verifiable in writing.
  4. Employment Requirement: Applicants must be currently employed or provide written evidence of regular income sufficient to 3 times the rental amount of the property for the full lease term. We will need to make copies of the last two (2) pay stubs and may verify employment through your company.
  5. Self Employed, Retired or Not Employed: Must provide Schedule C from previous year’s income tax return and two months’ personal bank statements as evidence of sufficient income. Persons who hold jobs that are commission only, base salary plus commission, tips or bonuses will be considered self-employed.
  6. Credit History: Management uses a Credit Reporting Agency in order to verify your credit history. A decision to lease the Property to you may be based upon information obtained from this report.
  7. Rental History: Previous rental history will be reviewed and should exhibit no derogatory references, judgments or past evictions. At least one year of good current rental history that is not with a member of your family must be verified. Any debt owed to previous landlords must be paid in full before an applicant can be approved. Applicants with foreclosure bankruptcy or tax lien will be given individual consideration. All judgments, past evictions and anything derogatory against the rental history is taken into consideration and shared with the Landlord.
  8. Criminal History: No Applicant (resident or occupant) may have been indicted, arraigned, or convicted of crimes involving violence, firearms, illegal drugs, theft or destruction of property, or any crime involving a minor. This will include person(s) who have deferred adjudication and/or have not yet satisfied the probationary period of a deferred adjudication for any of above mentioned offenses.
  9. Application Fee: $35 non-refundable application fee required for ALL individuals 18 years or older.
  10. If your application is accepted, the 1st month’s rent and security deposit is due in good funds only (cashier’s check or money order). If you move in on any day other than the 1st day of the month, your pro-rated rent is due the 1st day of the 2nd month.
  11. Disclosure: ALL information collected can and may be shared with the Landlord. Your Application can and may be sent to an outside agency for processing.

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Contact Us

Cardinal Leasing & Management
4054 McKinney Avenue
Suite 310
Dallas, Texas 75204

Ph: (214) 810-0244
Fax: (214) 219-5577
Email: manager@cardinallease.com